Dog Diplomacy: Tips on Being a Good Neighbor

Part of responsible dog ownership is managing your pet’s interactions with others and mitigating the impact of their presence on your neighbors. If this sounds stressful, it truly does not need to be. Implementing some small changes in your daily routine and in your yard may be all that is required to stay in your neighbors’ good graces. There are many ways you can create greater harmony with your dogs and neighbors.
Many people rely on their dogs, not only for companionship but to assist with emotional health needs. MyPetCerts understands the connection and support animals provide. They offer assessment and certification of dogs as support animals to make it official. To learn more about MyPetCerts, check out their Frequently Asked Questions section on their website to find out how taking this step could help improve your life with your best friend in tow.
With certification, your dog can be identified as a medical necessity for your specific emotional condition, which may open doors for housing, traveling, and taking your dog to stores when needed. Even with certification for your dog, you can make adjustments in your routines and establish interventions to ensure that you and your pet are being good neighbors.
Respecting Boundaries and Property Lines
It can be difficult to prevent a dog from roaming into the yards of surrounding neighbors; they are naturally curious and want to explore. If you are thinking about creating a boundary for your property, consider searching “fencing company near me” to find a provider. Prior to hiring an installer, look at reviews and get a few estimates. Some installers guarantee their work, so be sure to look at their policies and ask questions up front.
Other types of boundary devices include sound wave fencing and training collars. Make sure you explore the potential side effects of using varying types of devices, since they may have unintended consequences. The less invasive the training option, the better it is for your pet. You may also wish to ask your vet what they would recommend to curb problem behaviors.
Setting Behavioral Limits
Dog temperament can vary tremendously, depending on many factors like early training and breed. Some dogs are easygoing and would not dream of starting drama with your neighbors’ pets, while others may enjoy a bit of mischief, such as a game of chase with the cat next door. To stay on good terms with your neighbor (and their cat), work on training your pup to stay calm and non-reactive around other animals.
There are behavioral strategies you can use to encourage positive actions, such as rewarding good behavior. Try offering love and treats when your dog listens to commands when another animal is nearby. If your dog is adamant about chasing other animals, you may need to consistently leash them when going outside and not allow them to be unattended.
The more you can work with your dog on obeying commands, the better luck you will have getting him to listen when there are additional stimuli. Training is an important part of dog ownership, but it may feel like a skill that is unfamiliar to you. Fortunately, there is help available from professionals who can advise you and offer their services.
Training Your Dog
If your dog needs an intervention, professional dog trainers can help. Whether you are hoping to stop your dog from jumping on people, barking too much, or voiding in inappropriate locations, you can find a trainer who has experience. Shop for trainers online and be sure to explore their reputation prior to hiring. Find out what sort of training methods they use to make sure you understand their approach. Trainers can be a great support for pet parents, and their advice and guidance can help redirect problem behaviors.
You and your dog have a great relationship, so make sure you are aware of some of the behaviors that can stress out neighbors so that you can take action to make it better. It is not always easy to know what may irritate others, so try to have an open dialogue about it to gain insight into their concerns.
As you explore ways to support your dog’s transition into better behavior, it may be worth looking into having him assessed for certification as a support animal through MyPetCerts. Check out their website today and find out more!